Also, i'd like to see some more info on integration with other systems/desks. I can't seem to find enough documentation on the actual connection to the desk - it seems to run via cat-5 cable. These are the kind of features that are really good. If, by mistake, you close the project without saving, all the audio files are still kept. When I do live recording this would be the obvious choice for me. I downloaded it today and it's really simple and fast. It is important HOW it helps me during the live recording session.

I don't give a sh** on the number of features. everything is taken with the project file. But as user of Nuendo (in my studio next to my PT HD) I really like the idea of just opening the Neundo Live session and prepare everything for post. So, I've tried the demo and I must say I really love it. and I will dedicate them entirely to Reaper. They should have called this Nuendo CL, not Live. I absolutely HATE marketing hype - and crippeling iterations in new version. It seriously saved my ass, not in Live situations, but in the studio, and have wonderful album add-ons because of it, and "one in a million shot" takes that got salvaged. Yep, now that I recall, the first time I tried pulling back on the wave file and it did not budge, it almost threw me into a rage. Nuendo 3 had the pre-record buffer, and it was customizable. I must confess I am a Steinberg lover and Protools booty-caller. It is a bomb, but I am not yet confident enough to run a session with it. (actually, I've been saying this to myself for a full year now. If it were´t for my tight schedule right now, I'd seriously dedicate a full month to be a shortcut ninja with Reaper.