There is a little progress icon towards the top right of the window - when your video is finished exporting you should get a message saying 'Share successful.' If you click on 'Show' you will be taken to your exported video ready for uploading to Solent Online Learning. In this example I have named the file 'Test Movie' and set the save location to the desktop.

Save the exported file to an appropriate place

This has brought the file size down to 198 MB which is below the 500 MB limit. In this example I have set the Resolution to 960 x 540 via the drop-down arrows and the Quality to High (1). Tweak the Resolution and Quality until the file size is less than 500 MB In order to reduce this to under 500 MB you need to adjust the Resolution and Quality (2). The screenshot below shows the original file size of the video which is 3.38 GB (1) - far too big to upload as your assignment. In iMovie 10 Apple removed the capability to alter the video compression settings using Quicktime but you can still reduce the file size to ensure it is under 500 MB. Step 3. Look at the options for changing the Resolution and Quality of your movie Share your movie using the 'File' optionĬlick on the 'Share' icon (1) and you will see a window with a number of export pre-set options. For help with editing your video in iMovie see

Edit your movie in iMovie as usual - when you are happy with the finished movie and ready to export move on to step 2.